Yea, Missouri's all kinds of fucked up.
Yea, Missouri's all kinds of fucked up.
Yea, Missouri's all kinds of fucked up.
I have a sneaking suspicion every state is like that. Except Oregon. It sounds like a nice place.
I have a sneaking suspicion every state is like that. Except Oregon. It sounds like a nice place.
I thought punk rock changed our lives?
I thought punk rock changed our lives?
Well, that's just an awesome way of looking at it.
Not to mention, all those other guys (save for Vic Mackey) were products of their environment, born into that life. Walt wasn't.
Not to mention, all those other guys (save for Vic Mackey) were products of their environment, born into that life. Walt wasn't.
There are so many different ways the hammer could come down on Walt. Skylar turning him in, Hank coming to his senses, one of Mike's guys rolling over. That Todd guy could be bad news, too. But that flashback in "Live Free Or Die" makes me think it's not the law he's hiding from.
There are so many different ways the hammer could come down on Walt. Skylar turning him in, Hank coming to his senses, one of Mike's guys rolling over. That Todd guy could be bad news, too. But that flashback in "Live Free Or Die" makes me think it's not the law he's hiding from.
Yes, but where else do they have bums just laying right on the sidewalks!
Yes, but where else do they have bums just laying right on the sidewalks!
Fingers crossed for an Alex Haley's ghost haunts Luke episode this season.