Thing What Kicks

Yes, the bugs in "Conspiracy" were supposed to eventually lead to the Borg, which were originally conceived as giant insects. When that proved too costly for the series to execute, though, they switch to the cyborg angle (slap some makeup and plastic bits on people and call it a day). That's why the signal home in

In terms of "Jumper", here's an idea that would never seem to fly: Follow the damn book in more than just the "guy can teleport" idea. It's a good novel (as is the sequel), and when I saw how little the movie had to do with it, I couldn't bring myself to watch it.

The just prevail, sooner or later.

Actually, they were busted once for playing "Fuck Shop" in protest of 2 Live Crew being arrested.

Seeing red
An entry for the "Cameron is different" department, beyond the dancing by herself thing at the end:
Every time in the past we've been shown something in Terminatorvision (from a Terminator's point of view), everything is shown with a red shaded overlay, with the requisite status readouts and outlined

The description of Reflex, BTW, was to indicate that it in no way bridges the novel and movie version of Jumper.
(And them=him. Bad me on the typo.)

I remember the original novel pretty well, and I just finished Reflex (the sequel).

Glaring error
Come now, Nathan, a *soy* latte with *milk*? The whole idea of a soy latte/mocha/whatever is that the soy milk replaces the cow milk. One could conceivably replace Jennifer Connolley's soy request with whole milk, but she wouldn't be ordering a soy latte with skim milk to begin with…

I remember watching "Heat" in the theaters, and in the scene referenced, I turned to a friend and told him something to the effect of "My suspension of disbelief goes only so far. No way Al Pacino could ever beat the shit out of Hank Rollins like that."

The Master did a lot of other nasty things to stay alive as well. Including being Eric Roberts. *shudder*

There actually is a good deal of continuity between the two, but those moments are mostly as small things or aside comments so as to not overwhelm new viewers. Exactly what happened during the gap between the series is intentionally left a bit vague, beyond mentions of the Time War with the Daleks. The destruction

Tennant's influence
I think that David Tennant has done a good job in incorporating old Doctor influences, but I'd have to disagree with Tom Baker as his biggest source. His version of the character is much closer to Peter Davidson—hell, he even makes this explicit in the recent "Time Crash" mini-episode (look it up

To create, you must destroy.
Hrm…hopefully Keith is a Too Much Joy fan, otherwise today shall be called Strange Coincidence Day.