Freaks and Geeks: Great pilot? Or greatest pilot? (For me, it's a toss up with Friday Night Lights.)
Freaks and Geeks: Great pilot? Or greatest pilot? (For me, it's a toss up with Friday Night Lights.)
Nice Taylor Swift face, Taylor Swift.
While I don't think this season was necessarily THE WORST EVER, I came away from the season 100% convinced the show needs to end. The show had plenty of weaknesses (and some clunker episodes) during the Harmon Era, too, but I always felt that was just part of the bargain — a trade off for a show that had impossibly…
As anyone who has wound up watching ESPN2 in the mid-afternoon can tell you, the "First to X Wins" format ALWAYS runs up against the end-of-timeslot problem Emily described. ALWAYS. why, it's almost like nobody on the Top Chef team has ever watched televised 9-ball pool tournaments. Weird, I know.
It makes me really sad that we're not going to get a happy Happy Endings ending…
Am I the only one who loved "Zillowzilla" and "Manny Petty's mani-pedis"?
… minus. And an "A" gets them ice cream; they know that.
… her?
God, that Ron Swanson pratfall from Freddy Spaghetti is amazing. But how about a little love for Dr. Funke?
God, that Ron Swanson pratfall from Freddy Spaghetti is amazing. But how about a little love for Dr. Funke?
Between the Card-on-Forehead thing at Mind Kampf and Phil's general Dwightishness, I got a strong whiff* of The Office (US) from this episode. Am I the only one? (Not saying TTOI is intentionally cribbing The Office, and certainly not saying The Office is better — just struck me as a bit weird.)
Between the Card-on-Forehead thing at Mind Kampf and Phil's general Dwightishness, I got a strong whiff* of The Office (US) from this episode. Am I the only one? (Not saying TTOI is intentionally cribbing The Office, and certainly not saying The Office is better — just struck me as a bit weird.)
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More like Turd Crapley.