
This snarky trashing of Ready Player One is getting almost as tiresome as Ready Player One itself…

Truly great musical score though, you gotta admit.

"You know, there are worse ways to go, but I can't think of a more undignified way than autoerotic asphyxiation."

It bothers me a lot that my thoughts are also so morbid, but yes, yes, his expiry would be a blessing in so many ways and it is an event I look forward to with fervent hope.

Also this commentariat is a community, and we get value and solidarity out of discussing these things. What do you bring to the table?

Well put, I feel the same way. This show is such a gift. And it means even more to me personally that we have this weekly morsel of goodness when the rest of the world is so horribly, horribly out of balance.

This. I'm astonished more people haven't noticed or commented on what a brilliant travesty of the ending of Se7en this episode had.

Hmmm.. now I'm not so upset John Williams decided to pass on this one.

Good. Fuck your dad. (Not you, you're cool Testicles of Doom)

Fuck you, Danllo.

No matter how respectful or artful the film turns out to be, this is all still kinda gross and unnecessary, right? Like, really quite gross?

How do people feel about Zimmer's 7/8 electric guitar leitmotif for her?

It's worth playing for the ending. The final area, the boss, and the encounters there are worth the price of admission. If you have a high enough wisdom stat by the end, you can be treated to some of the single most satisfying dialogue options I've ever encountered in any game. PS:T sticks its landing in a way I've

I am so excited to be playing this game. I was a backer on day one, having been a worshipper both of PS:T and the Planescape campaign setting, which I basically lived and breathed in the mid-1990s. This has been such an absolutely shitty year, I really take it as a gift that we are treated to these objects of art to

I was just poised to buy this game on Steam when I looked into the hardware requirements. Completely out of the range of my at one point beefy PC. Needs a SSD and 4G video card to run properly? Yikes. http://obduction.com/468-2/

Great! Goldsmith would have been disgusted. Though he did also write a vaguely Russian sounding terrorist theme for Air Force One that would suit Trump quite well.

For real roguelike purists like me (Nethack, ADOM, DCSS), the current dilution of the term's meaning is doubly annoying because I fear the bubble is bursting, and the appeal of real roguelikes is not procedural level generation per se—beautiful, intricate level design is largely an afterthought when you're dealing

Hear! hear!

Yeah, but Arya messed up the first rule of serving you your own kin — you gotta let them at least eat *a bit of it* before telling them what's in the pie.

Or Ser Bounce.