
I can't wait for Lito/Kala. Lito can help Kala realize you shouldn't lie about whom you love. Both actors who portray them are also great comedic actors and I think that scene would sparkle.

Sense8, What's Going On? deserves a spot. Innovative, beautiful, transcendent.

I might have a breakdown if it doesn't.

The sensate gene must also make them sexy.

Wait … how did Piper ruin Red's plan? Didn't Pornstache do that?

Poor Raj. Seems to have been Beth's lackey before fake Beth.
And I think we're okay on Colin (I hope - Fe deserves some love). He saw Beth's body in the premiere and was good on ruling it Sarah. You'd think if he was in on the whole clone thing he would have informed some superiors that Beth was dead by now.