Ed Wood
Ed Wood
Ah so that freak-out over Common reciting poetry at the White House in 2011 was just a bad flashback, then?
Ah so that freak-out over Common reciting poetry at the White House in 2011 was just a bad flashback, then?
Make it a perogi burrito.
I accuse … MY PARENTS!
"In conclusion, your honor: Ha ha!"
Also, it must be done with malice. If you just accuse Louis CK of being a peeping tom because you're a dumbass, it doesn't count. You have to do it because you hate Louis CK and want to ruin his reputation, and Louis CK's lawyers have to prove that's why you did it.
I want a burrito stuffed with pierogi. Somebody must make those, right? I'm headed down to Polish-Mexicantown to look for one.
There you go again.
@avclub-bfd3491bc017af783d6870e1c3ff3064:disqus Sure, but they weren't even willing to consider the possibility of going the one extra step and inventing a time machine so that they could drop an A-bomb on Hitler, were they???
Municipalities should not have definite articles in their names.
Step 1: Perfect rapid-fire anti-wit
Step 2: Podcast mention
Step 3: PROFIT!
Somebody registered as "Thom Yorke" once called me an idiot in the comments of a blog I wrote because I'd referred to the song as "15 Steps" instead of "15 Step." To this day, I choose to believe that it was the actual Thom Yorke.
You guys don't add slide whistle when you read the comments here? It helps immensely.
I will always have a soft spot for this song because, when I was 8 years old, I liked to turn down the volume on the Saturday morning cartoons and play the radio to see what sort of amusing synchronizations would occur, and Fred Flintstone running around and yelling while this song was playing was maybe the funniest…
I will always have a soft spot for this song because, when I was 8 years old, I liked to turn down the volume on the Saturday morning cartoons and play the radio to see what sort of amusing synchronizations would occur, and Fred Flintstone running around and yelling while this song was playing was maybe the funniest…
I'm not so sure it's so anti-gay. After a close reading of the lyrics, it appears that Tyler—even after the titular lady-loooking dude "whipped out [his] gun"—requests that he be able to "take a peek" and, furthermore, that the subject should "do me, do me, do me all night." So, that seems pretty open-minded to me.
I'm not so sure it's so anti-gay. After a close reading of the lyrics, it appears that Tyler—even after the titular lady-loooking dude "whipped out [his] gun"—requests that he be able to "take a peek" and, furthermore, that the subject should "do me, do me, do me all night." So, that seems pretty open-minded to me.