
"Anyway, any Archer production people out there: that was a super cool detail."

"Double Side-Car. French."

Thanks a tonne. We've been slowly learning how to make Archer better each and every episode. Not every episode needs "flashy" stuff, but when the animation quality improves, it allows us to tell more exciting stories that weren't capable before, or give characters more emotion, even when things are still (Archer's

We use Adobe illustrator in combination with AfterEffects, Cinema4D and Photoshop. It's weird, but we like it.

Fun facts about the actual process: We have about 45 people working on the art of Archer now a days, that includes storyboards, illustration, 3D animation, background art, animation, compositing and editing, and that doesn't include off site teams doing audio, writing, and environment modeling. Here is a

Hello there. I'm an animator on the show. More specifically, I do what would be referred to as "compositing" for Archer. Vehicles are all animated in Cinema4D with painted textures and composited with AfterEffects. Photos are only used as reference for background art, it's all painted in photoshop from scratch, or