
Why the Tatiana dislike? Sure, she was a little low rent, but she nailed Britney Spears and showed that there's a real wit behind that fishy face.

@avclub-7cf8d5b2bafa3bd7fb4ea254febf6308:disqus , I'm totally on the same page as you. Maybe it's because she was the most glamazon of any queen to ever strut that stage, but I loved that bitch. Hopefully if she were on it she'd figure out a better impression for Snatch Game.

Is this a saying where you come from? Either way, it's one I'm going to appropriate.

I watched a season or two of AusNTM. One of them had some pretty severe and ugly bullying that seemed to be forgotten by the judges after it was addressed once. Tyra would never have let that fly. Say what you want to about ANTM (and laugh all you want at Tyra), but she does promote her own brand of womanhood pretty

I have to say, Idol has done a decent job of at least keeping this show fresh these past couple of seasons. While they may not add too much to the proceedings, JLo and Steven are nowhere near as grating as Paula and Simon.

I didn't really enjoy having the LSFYL be to "Born This Way." Sure, it fit perfectly with the theme, but you'll notice that both Jiggly and Milan started off by doing Gaga's choreography.

They should put him in the body of an Asian girl. Stan and Roger have already hooked up with Steve; Klaus should, too.

I just realized that Klaus is Meg.

Angry Dad + Mom and Pop Art = Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart

He may talk about it too much, but at least he was able to back it up in this episode.


"That's Absurd!" - his America's Funniest Home Video style show
"A Dream Deferred" - his Black History Month special
"I Don't Know's On Third" - his sports show/segment

Was I the only one disappointed when Dave didn't have a sex dream about himself?

@avclub-d287ab72140b44071e69e6255b859cec:disqus , I think the joke is that Kim Kardashian's mother wrote a book in the first place.

While I enjoy the attempt to keep the show fresh (especially after those middling tween cycles), I kind of miss the casting episode.

Same here. It's strange, too, because the series runs like clockwork.

@avclub-19db33a7920e55ba3a32ab69d87f65b8:disqus , Victoria Porkchop Parker and Stacey Lane Matthews were both nice, though both lacked the performance/diva chops to make it far. . . but yeah, pretty much all the rest of the big girls have been bitches/headcases.

Problem is, with Myra dead, Stephon has no reason to revert to his Steve state.

Oddly enough, Gaga's done the best Gaga parody I've seen. The SNL sketch where she went head-to-head against Justin Timberlake in a game show mocked her in just the right way.

Yeah, but it's not enough to just quote song titles. You have to take it to the next level: