Oh jeezus. . . it'd be like a pair of eyes peering out of the brush.
Oh jeezus. . . it'd be like a pair of eyes peering out of the brush.
Jim was a total asshole in this episode.
As soon as she mentioned her childhood videos, I wondered why they didn't use them in their ads.
@avclub-2da02ef9dd0d2138f3f11948e1b692ac:disqus , we're both assholes? Yeah, I can agree to that :-)
While I understand what you're saying, she probably does it because she works in an Italian restaurant and would be smacked with a frying pan if she did otherwise.
maybe some hot ham water?
I once was asked to bring a dessert to a dinner where everything was vegan, gluten-free, and made with no refined sugar.
Who is this E.E. Cummings? Is he related to e.e. cummings?
No appreciation for the description of Penny's new beau's facial hair as "beatnik/juggalo"?
I guess I'm your outlier datum, then.
"That extra dimension makes the talking teapot and singing candlestick seem like they're right there, you know?"
Hey asshole, you're in a Simpsons thread.
Right, but they were necessarily temporary friends. I guess there was also the girl that Lisa bonded with over those Princess stories, but she turned out to be a nutbar.
Other than Alex (Lisa Kudrow) and Alison (from "Lisa's Rival"), what other non-romantic friends has Lisa had? Maybe my Simpsons-fu is rusty, but I honestly can't think of anyone else.
Hayden Childs can say it. Not only can he write amazing reviews that aren't mostly recaps of the episode, he can also employ the kind of biting, edgy humor that the rest of us can only dream of daring to say.
@avclub-79ecb8dedc5bfb335681b9274eca9eab:disqus , I like how you feel compelled to point out the fact that she's a woman when that was not a factor at all in how much I disliked her performance. Had she been a man (and with those lips and that hair, she could be an amazingly fish drag queen for all I know), I would…
It's called performance. Florence Welch doesn't do much more than sway back and forth during her performances either, but she commands a stage. Lana Del Rey does not.
While I agree the sketch was a let down, Jay Pharoah can do way more impressions than those four. I was actually hoping that the Jay Pharoah (the character, not the performer) would become super desperate and just bust out a whole bunch of impressions manically, à la Robin Williams.
What part was good? The junkie-like swaying back and forth while playing with her hair? Her inability to enunciate the lyrics to her own songs? The monotony that was said songs? The dress that held more visual interest than her despite its being so washed out?
I agree that he has talent, it just always feels that he falls into his eventual designs. Also, if Mondo likes him as a person, I figure he must be good people.