Better than AV Club

This episode is not feminism, complex or otherwise. The overall show has been up to this point — but this episode, not so much.

Jesus Christ, you're all animals. If you're new to Scotch, start with Maccallan 10 (cheaper, 40 bucks) or Macallan 12 (~55 bucks), and then after that, move on to the more complex, boggy, dirt-tasting ones. Add a tiny bit of water to open it up.*

China is the #2 movie market in the world, probably #1 in a decade or so. T4 was made with the intent to appeal to that audience. Not arguing for T4's quality, but the filmmaker's clearly achieved their stated purpose… of making crap America somehow tolerates to the tune of 200+ million box, and that China actually

Uh, no. Not an amazing performance given the budget, but 233 million domestic, on the way to 1 billion worldwide, is not a "bomb" by any definition of the term. Unless, I suppose, you dropped that much money on people in an attempt to kill them…

Some SAG, WGA, DGA facts.
I am not an actor. Some things to know: