Precarious Loaf

I believe this is episode 11, not 10, of season 11.

I wasn't thinking this while watching the episode, but judging by the reviews accompanying photo we'll see a Britta/Goggins paring. That lady looks intrigued.

My rational for this is that Ollie's "super power" is super acute aim and eyesight. If he can see the barrel of the gun, he knows where the shots are likely to hit. He knew that moving would put him in the trajectory of a bullet. Conversely, it just looks badass…like walking away from an explosion.

"Would they make a male character like that?"

Why he didn't escape prison…
.. he didn't have the powers then.

If they have to fake it to make it work.. it doesn't work. The only time tap "worked" on the show was when there was no music. Specifically, when Bianca and balder brother were trading during the auditions. That was some great great TV! It simply doesn't fit the technical format of the show.

I don't know if they will, but I suspect it will be so. Dragging out results shows is what they do.. and favorite dances is an excellent way to do it.

Not entirely dissapointed
If Ashleigh got by on a sympathy vote, I'm not annoyed by it. She brought it from day one. If she was not injured I can only assume more of the same. Due to the caliber of the lady dancers, as a group, it really is just down to favorites at this point.

I'm wrong 50% of the time… 100% of the time.

Glad to be at least half wrong!

I Like predicting
I'm Predicting Ryan & Kathryn out.

Biancas shoulders make her look like ET

Eddie Murphy, I know but…
I thought Troy was the Indian Michael Jackson

His solo rocked this week and he is very unique in his style.. ergo votes.

My gaydar is passable. I don't think he is gay. I think he may just be a dorky straight guy who is really into cars, which would also explain his poor partnering.

And Vice-a-versa… remember Cedric? The judges finagling has, in the past, lost better dancers to mediocre sob stories.

"SYTYCDC is back with a four-hour two-night premiere!

.. to America and the Judges for their choices week to week. Unlike the abysmal choices made on the Canadian show.

Whoops, yes I meant Pasha.

Kupono may dance feminine and/or gay, but at least he isn't drab.