Veyizmir Guerrero

You gotta admit it really has that "vow factor"

Patience….Don't russet.

Yeh I know but it conforms to the brewer's association's current definition of "craft beer"……which misleads people into thinking that they are consuming a better product than other mass-produced american pilsners/lagers b/c it is "craft beer".

I respectfully disagree. Would take Bud over Yuengling every time.

As an unapologetic beer geek/snob, I endorse this comment 100%. Yuengling is the Coors Light of "craft beer".

Bake em away, bloys.

Hopefully she won't have to stay there furlong.

Emmanuel Lewis

I gotta feeling that this show's gonna be a bad show

The Crantastic Four…er…Three?

I larfed so hard, I nearly Torah muscle.

Zero Bark Thirty?

Hey war dog. Say hi to ya mutha for me.

Greerdale is one of my favorite, albeit underrated and often overlooked, Neil Young albums


"The reports of the death of my comedy career are not at all exaggerated."

Casanova: You know when you grope for Luna!

Ray Velcoro. He's more hooks and loops than flesh and bone.

Fairies Wear Orthopedic Shoes

I am always leary of any denis appointment.