The Amazing Wonder Pigeon

It's like all their box office money is in leprechaun gold and keeps disappearing before they can spend it.

That trailer was the worst, it gave you everything, the laughs, the kills, the Katrina Bowden leering and the entire goddamn plot of the movie!

I don't really see Glover wanting to come back, for the long haul at least.

Seeing the words 'TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES' emerge from a dark background set to standard trailer 'this is serious and epic' music is extremely silly.

She'd be diverging all over the damn place.

When I say 'South Pole', you say 'Hero'!


I think it's best you stick to Fast & Furious, masturbation and Hot Pockets.

Where do I even begin disagreeing with this?


I didn't think Kevin Sorbo could do worse than Tommy The Cool Mule, but here he is in Christian "entertainment". Poor guy.

Oh cool, now a whole new generation can miss the point of Scarface.

Everything was going along alright until the end when characters just shouted over each other and then Jeff declared the problem solved. Probably the weakest episode they've done in a while.

My brother got me into Avatar the Last Airbender by constantly haranguing me to sit down and watch it, a formula he's tried to repeat with little success ever since.

My dream is for a series intersection between Step Up and Taken.

But the 'harm' that can be caused isn't necessarily physical-we've already seen numerous awkward and unfair situations Diaz has been put in because of Boyle.

I feel like what it had going for it in a huge way that these other cases lack is chemistry. They bounced off each other so well, had similar personalities and well, were given each other the fuck eye pretty much constantly.

How do we feel about the old Jim/Pam dynamic? I feel like the unrequited parts were mostly handled okay, but I'm open to correction.

I really could have done without Boyle's "when you do go out with me-and you will", that gave off major Ross vibes, and unfortunately I don't think they're going to let this one go.