
It's a child…

I have absolutely loved the show without Juliette so far and would hate it if she came back. Also, Viktor? Really? That's just shit, when will there be a decent Royal villain?

I actually thought this was a pretty sweet episode! Are things looking right back up now that Juliet should be out of the picture? Even Momma Kelly's head got less mentions. All in all, I really like Nick and Adalind's interractions…they seem to have a lot more natural rapport than he ever did with Juliet and Adalind

Oh and has anyone ANY idea what the last shot of the fence with black stuff (blood?) starting to drip down it was all about?

Denise and Tara kissing and Rick and Jessie kissing? Just fuck off, it's so unnecessary. Tara should be dead anyway. This was such a waste of an episode. Rick's great escape was just to run? You're also telling me that no one is going to open up the covered part of the gate and start inserting some crowbar points into

I genuinely found this to be a fairly pleasing episode, with a few infractions. I can't get over my hatred for Galavan and how his character is acted…like seriously, it's terrible. I was really hoping he'd get snuffed by Penguin in this episode. Same goes for his God-awful sister who is non-menacing eye-candy and an

How did Harvey's quotables from his interaction with the newly dead Pike brothers not make the 'Never Mind The Bullocks' bit? as soon as it showed him coming across the bodies, I was sure the next stuff out of his mouth/his actions would be winning. I wasn't wrong to be fair…

I feel that the fact that the attacker's had absconded with Trublel, Juliette's body and Nicks mother's head in a box could have been emphasised more.

Stuff the sexism up your arse. I personally dislike it when they veer away from canon. Add to that her back story being shit and you've got Gotham.

Oh and last one…the officer that got toasted, his death will haunt me. The emotional connection I made to his character when Jim called him back by name (just so that you'd remember his name) and then praised his police work. I'm devastated.

Also female Firefly? No no no no no. Figured they'd have found some sort of Gotham way of bringing back the young boy with the exploding pants…he'd have been the ideal candidate. Another good police officer wasted.

I feel like Gotham would have been an instant success if it had instead been written as a sitcom…a sort of 'Rules of Engagement' type deal. You've got Jim and his Doctor woman and Ed and Kris. Chuck in Alfred as the Butler and Bullock as the single friend of the couples and I think you've got the makings of something

Morgan's retardation is dreadfully upsetting. Your man leaving with the gun…fucks sake. That'll come back…starting with a 'previously on'…I wonder who'll get killed though!

Sofia Vergara's boobs/cleavage were incredible in this episode. I also laughed out loud a couple times during the episode as well as enjoying it which makes a change from it's usual standard over the last while.

Galavan is terrible. His sister is worse. Barbara is the worst. And yet, here are all three in one tv show? It's like they want Gotham to totally fail.

Die Gabriel die.

Zombie parade…stick explosives in the cars all along the sides of the road, add a little gasoline and then when the zombies are between them, a little flame…baddabing baddaboom…you've got walking flame zombies. Still, it might take out some though.

So (as probably already widely acknowledged but demonstrated clearly in this episode) one of the huge reasons for the rise of the walker is that many humans are stupid, selfish cunts i.e. Daniel.

So this week saw 'Perfect Day' used in this episode of Gotham and in Fear The Walking Dead…did it just become public domain or something?

Ariel Winter's boobs finally unleashed. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. This show can no longer be PG.