
Ahh, me oh my. A proper tear-jerker. Oh for a universe where being stabbed or shot in the heart actually gave you a couple minutes of closure with your loved ones.

The very same.

Firstly, I love you name, YAY Jeeves and Wooster! Secondly, I think Gas Guy (Vic Zazz of Gotham) got knocked out by Barry after he did another micro-hurricane so I don't think it was him? Will probably have to rewatch.

"Sarcastically I'm in charge".

Just whilst I have Grimm fans' attention before they tune off for the summer :( …

The one that was referenced in The US Office with pregnant Pam? Ha!

Don't forget, she Vogued into Sam the Eagle.

Your thoughts were mine exactly!

Me too!

I thought it was Kelly and some grand scheme has been afoot. I hope it wasn't Chavez (YAWN!). Hopefully it's something they'll explore to satisfaction next season.

The recording would be of Kenneth telling anyone who cared to listen:

She was utilising innuendo.

Yes! It was so good! :D

Wu hoo!

I hadn't seen this post when I posted mine (above). Glad to see others think like this. Legend :)

I agree and disagree with bits of this BUT it's a well written and well reasoned argument. Is it a vain hope to envisage that they might replace the rotting wood they flame-throwered away with epic characters? Probably.

He helped that agent fellow (who was working against the Royals) smuggle Adalind and Diana to freedom where they met up with Kelly. Sadly the agent fellow (he did have a name) got killed in doing so but hunk pilot helped deliver the baby and works with the Resistance I believe. He'll be sticking around probably.

You're a legend thank you. I think that clears things up! So which one got cold killed?

First things first…DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD!!! Oh my, what a feeling. First Lorrie and now Juliet. It's exquisite. I could go on here for ages about how awful she was but I'll celebrate in private and just enjoy the moment.

Pretty sure it wasn't as he got flapped by The Flash.