
I'm pretty sure it wasn't, he was standing in the truck with the weather guy wasn't he? There were 5 people…teleport girl, weather guy, gas guy, laser eye guy and one other…I'm not sure what the last guy could do!

I think New Girl still has a lot of potential for laughs. Particularly in making use of Winston who is just incredible, and also the relationship between the three lads that are left. That's actually what really got me into the show. Wouldn't like to see New Girl end anytime soon…just need some decent storylines that

On point :D

Is anyone else just sick of Abed (not that I was ever a big fan)? And also sick of Dan Harmon and the writers? Keith David and Jim Rash keep this show almost bearable but personally I just want them to let it die. If they can make a good movie then so be it but please let that be it.

Who was the guy who got Cold blasted this week? And what were his powers? I had no memory of him.

Renard:"For there is a man inside me, and only when he's finally out, can I walk free of pain."

Well that was…pitiful. And pathetic. Aside from an absolute hatred of Juliet (particularly the new her with her darkside), I was actually enjoying this episode and the way they tied together what had been a fairly naff Renard storyline (constant episode cuts away to him waking up bleeding or in some strange place and

Winston makes this show. Great season finale :) Hopefully next season sees prankster-Winston unleashed!


Good lad.

By the way, if she hadn't before, is Adalind really growing on anyone else? The past few episodes in particular have seen me start wishing that she had been in Juliet's place all along…for a start, she is played by a convincing actress, she is relatable and she has good chemistry (+ she is hot). Also, very funny

Juliet is the worst. Please kill her off Trubel.

I enjoyed this episode. And whilst the 'new baby' plot redeemed itself with the touching shot of Lily and Joe enjoying each other's company…maybe a boy baby's introduction would mean there would be too many characters to deal with. Which is why I propose the season finale is called 'A Death In The Family'.

Why didn't they show us what Bullock saw at the Fox Glove? Ugh, way to avoid payoff Gotham. Nevertheless, another decent enough episode in my opinion! Even with an unwanted abundance of Barbara screen-time…it was good. If the season finale can be as gritty, violent and decent as the last couple episodes and the start

I hope beyond all hope that Wu does.

Juliet is the worst. I didn't think she could get any lower after cheating with Renard…and then she burns the caravan down…a wealth of knowledge, weapons and potions (plus other important odds and ends) gone up in a puff of smoke.

That would be telling.

I do find it hard to believe that Faux-Wells would be that sloppy in hiding his secret life/room. Not even locked and then activated upon anyone entering? Really?

I do appreciate the reviewer's reference to 'Kimmy Schmidt' in the stray observations. Her back story makes sense now!

I actually thought this episode was quite good. I would not say the same for this review. There is absolutely no need to discuss the reductive portrayal of women in a show about Batman's origins. The relevance (or lack of) that topic is almost as ridiculous as this show has been in the majority of its episodes.