
Well, that explains the ridiculously awful demon hands…they were saving up for this episode's ethereal effects.

On this week's episode of Grimm…wait wait wait a second, we already had the bee Wessen - get with the times Flash!

Having just binge-watched Netflix's Daredevil, it has finally been driven home to me as to just how disappointing Gotham is. It's frankly awful.

Juliet is the worst. Just the worst. I hope they get rid of her soon. She is the Lorrie of Grimm.

Heavy is the head that eats the crayons.

It's a good observation BUT there are years separating this and BrBad…I'd say some people will die, the wrong people will be mixed with and Jimmy will both learn to fast talk his way out of life and death situations (e.g. with Walt and Jessie season 2) or run (season 5).

Really good review Donna Bowman. I appreciated it.

Why on earth should Grimm explore any ramifications to do with 'killing off' Stacy…in this make-believe world of television it shouldn't be held to addressing what might be viewed as 'real-world' issues, and in the confines of Grimm, any Wessen (particularly one with such dangerous potential) should count themselves

I gave this A- because of that damn stupid ending (in my opinion). It better not effect the case! Stupid bloody condition…

This whole Pete-the-wife-abuser situation has put me mind of Mike's chilling story in Breaking Bad. As law enforcement, he and Rick have learnt the hard way that that sort of things needs nipped in the bud before it's too late. However, skewed Rick may appear to be at the moment, I think he's right to do what he did

Rick backwards spells Negan.

Yes! I had genuinely missed Grimm being on this site! Now I can come to AVClub after watching an episode and have the reviewer tell me about what I just watched! Epic :)


I personally wasn't offended or bothered by the Lana being drugged gag just because she was about to go off on one. It's a freaking cartoon so you can't resort to that level of nitpicking PLUS it constantly happens on the show. Krieger recently spent an entire episode being shot with tranquilisers.

I thought it was the Crowtein that burned the hole in the sofa?

Why thankyou! It was completely original :)

They're one of the loose ends that I've often wondered about. Morgan needs to come back too.

Who gives a shit about the race/creed/colour of the characters/actors?? Humankind should take a lesson from the zombies who certainly aren't particular and treat every human the same.

Everybody Ate Chris.

Callback: Dee's pyramid scheme berries…