
Van Alden letting go…simply glorious. If your bodyguards were Richard and him, you wouldn't have a care in the world. You also would be able to enjoy the Sound of Silence.

Looks like you were trying to say 'Cough' and 'Tea Party' got in the way…

Well said. 'Blackface' should be exactly that…dressing up to have darker skin.

Brilliantly said.

It can be either or. American is with an 's', British with a 'c'. I live in Ireland.

That's what I'm going for. I wish they'd make me a writer.

How has nobody mentioned that scene more? As soon as I saw it was a shower seen I was in stitches thinking 'what are they going to do?'. And then the make-up started to run haha.

To constantly depict it? Really?

Idiots flock together.

You can be mentally ill and hate the mentally ill…

So true! It's just ridiculous. I would also argue that those people were not, in fact, personally reasonable people but were instead dicks.

Absolute garbage you're talking there. Again, I'm unwilling to waste an intelligent and thought out reply in response to your bs.

Damn straight.

'systematically disadvantaged minority' - do you yourself not see how ignorant and offensive you are being here? We're all humans…you're apparently glorifying that there are differences between people because of skin colour and that they are debilitating. You talk utter CRAP!

Right? I've literally only found a couple good reviewers on the AV club site. I come here for the solidarity of like-minded people who enjoy the same shows as I do.

Yes, you're right. Rape doesn't happen. Nobody has been raped before. The instances of ignorant offences being suffered by people of all colours of skin (including white!!!) massively outweighs the instances of rape throughout history.

Brilliantly said. Offence intended by so-called 'racists' is just ignorance.

Isn't a 'black community' itself the epitome of racism and exclusion? Forgive me for assuming that we're all actually just human beings and that the colour of ones skin should make no difference whatsoever.

How, HOW can you be a long-time fan of this show and then spout that critique and expect anyone to believe or respect a subsequent word out of your mouth? Good riddance.

I think it would have been brilliant if that could have been Mel Gibson himself.