
How Mac Got Fat anyone? Loved that to bits. And the Gang get's analyzed. Sheer brilliance.

Charlie's Aryan twin character seems like a nod to the boys in Die Hard. Absolutely hilarious when he looked at the picture then had the flashback.

Get over it and yourself. No holds barred in comedy. People should stop moaning and taking offence…if donning black make-up for example is done to give offence well then that is just ignorant and stupid. 'Racism' is an existing problem because it is kept alive.

I think it would have been hilarious if Dennis as Murtaugh had turned around to speak to Mac as Riggs only to find Mel Gibson standing in for him whilst he went to the bathroom. Hilarious episode…the gang are really nailing season 9.

It's more rhetorical really…I'll just be incensed by the debate Whovian. I think it is stupid and pathetic to let stuff like that bother you (a general you, not you Whovian).

Who cares about 'blackface'? And why?

I'll sort something.

Sweet, two down votes for the question haha. My life is ruined.

Any way of messaging you moimoi? ;)

A ukulele playing that song. A potent combination for inducing misery.

Rescuing the Walking Dead possibly?

Hoover is out for himself. And the tensions between 'Knox' and Hoover remain unresolved…one could infer then that 'Knox' is going rogue in an attempt to earn himself some credit and thus operating outside of Hoover's protection.

Obviously spoilers. May turn out different from the comics though. Glenn has a wee while left before his skull gets used as a pinata.

This really made me laugh. Cheers :)

I like your thinking. Possible conspiracy? It's either bad writing as Carol or a fake out.

Next week's trailer seemed to show a body being dragged round a corner in the same manner as the other two? If Carol is the culprit and Rick now knows…would he simply let her continue? I, personally, doubt it and would hazard a guess that Carol is either not the culprit or there is someone else with more sinister

I don't know about Dunn taking out the overseer and (at that point in time) apparently getting away with it…it smacked heavily of the less thought out escapes of Dexter.

I love Mickey Doyle. He's really grown on me…like a loveable tumour. I don't think he's at all like the real life character he's based on but I did feel sorry for him this episode. I hope he doesn't hold grudges in the manner of Dunn. His reaction to the facial clobbering was some amount of comedy though!

Chalky is an absolute legend. If he weren't cheating on his wife, I would have the utmost respect for him.

Lighten up! They're only offensive if you take offense and it's pretty sad if you do. If you truly believe in equal rights you won't keep acting as the underdog and will take comfort from the fact that you're not as ignorant as those who perceive a detrimental difference and use this warped perception to attempt to