
That's a big compliment from me. Not usually a fan of the work or personality of reviewers on here.

I aim to splash as little as I can on the seat. It still happens.

What is wrong with you? Gillian is a horrific character whose story-line has very little worth in my opinion and and is made all the worse by how disgusting a human being she is.

Charlie's 'Frank' impression was brilliant! I also loved how he completely goofs up the infomercial, even playing the Monty Python's Flying Circus theme during his disjointed spiel. Excellent.

I can agree with that to a point waitressinthesky but I find his general tone, review content, negativity and approach insufferable.

They were both to you? Talk about hitting the nail on the head.

Saw your sneaky edit. I'm afraid you're wrong on those theories. I also haven't stated my opinion as to the recent 'quality' of the show or the 'writers' (please infer what you will from the inverted commas).

Back to Joshua's colon would be a safe prediction.

Gillian should have been dead a long time ago. Worthless piece of trash that she is.

The internet doesn't have corners pityrules.

I come where and when I please.

Who are you kidding, Huell would just eat Albuquerque.

I was hoping (and thus was a bit disappointed) that in that final fade back, the trucker would just be some random killer who would walk into the cabin to find it all set out as a kill room and Dexter just waiting there.

Have your emotions been screaming awful? Because he is awful.

I hope that Walter White is planning to take that shotgun back home and use it on Jessie, Walter Junior, Skyler, Marie, Elliot and Gretchen. That, in my opinion, would be the perfect end to a great series.

"If you'd rather live blissfully ignorant about the plot holes, intelligence-insulting exposition, lazy narrative devices, and the other shitty aspects of the television you watch… then maybe you shouldn't go out of your way to read reviews by those who have educated themselves on the medium and get paid to write a

Terrible review. Terrible reviewer. No point pretending to be polite or patient anymore. I sincerely hope you don't review any other show that I watch in future.

Charlie Day - WOW what a phenomenal singer and musician! Never ceases to amaze me with what he can produce and any episode where he creates a melody instantly improves by a grade for me.

Nice comeback. No trolls here.

No, actually I'm the better person and I did look at your links. Mistake. 2 comments that, in my opinion, couldn't be real at all. That or you or Joshua wrote them. Unless you are Joshua. Which is a genuine possibility. Either way, when you realise that 'likes' on your posts aren't the be all and end all of life