
I can't be bothered to read those links just like you apparently can't be bothered to read/understand/digest (in all it's simplicity) my comments, which as I state clearly, are MY opinions.

Well said.

I'm not speaking for the rest of the online community. Also, if you're paid for something then at least do a good job (see my original post for an example of his standard approach of doing the opposite). I'm sure you'll have the 'pleasure' of reading his 'work' next time you emerge from his colon.

I don't doubt your comment about the people here…Joshua, on the other hand, is not. Poor reviewing by him. Ironically it emulates that standard of the writing of the recent series of Dexter.

Either Dexter or Harrison should have seized the opportunity to emulate the legendary Cameron Poe:

"made Dexter such an unlikeable, unworkable character, and why refusing to remove even a little of Dexter’s control has made the show so inert."

Definitely Team Walt. The rest of them can suck it except for Saul. And Holly.

I, personally, thought Walt's video confession was genius. I've pretty much always been Team Walt and not Team Jessie.

Anybody else notice that Batista had a computer keyboard but no screen?