Slow Motion Riot

My Orphan Year by NoFX crushes most of these songs, and is actually about the song writer's father for a nice change.

Slaughterhouse came to mind. I remember asking my parents to rent it for me in 1991 or 1992(I was 6 or 7) for the Sega Gen. Mostly being familiar with Atari 2600 and Mario, they obliged. I think I was crying after I started bashing guys into the concrete walls.

Wall Street Kid has the worst "soundtrack" I' remember. I believe most of my friends can vouch for this. Boop-boop-boop-oop Boop-boop-boop-boomeedle-mee-mee-mee Boop-boop-boop-oop boop-boo-boop-boo(p)meedle-mee… It just repeats that indeffinately.

As a child, I prefered the Nightmare NES game over the Friday NES effort. Maniac Mansion was about 200% better than both of them.

I'm on the "Best Archer Yet" bandwagon. It's a fun ride to be on. I felt like there were some great shows on TV this particular Thursday, so the competition was there. On the flip-side of the same token I may have been "warmed up" and in an overall great mood afteer the Parks and Rec and Community episdoes.

Sold in the first scene.
Pudi's "acting straight" in the opening scene had me on board instantly. The way he used his hands while talking… I couldn't take my eyes off it. Totally sold the "Different Person" part for me.

He bashes Beck reegularly, Rush, however, he does seem to admire.

I felt like that was stuff I knew for months before I casted my vote.

It's a great read.

Socially and morally, he's probably not a conserative. I just feel charged to defend the neocon thing…. as I said, I'd never listen to one. Moral conservatives draw my ire. It's really the only thing I'd get mad over, but I digress.

*he may - still be good at those things

@Jorge - I haven't heard him bash the liberal media yet, but I've switched to listening to the TK Show lately so I can't be sure. I've heard him bash Anderson Cooper for being boring. He probably votes conserative fairly often. He has been bashing Glen Beck recently for "fear mongering" in recent weeks. Fiscally he

"Comic Idol"?
Damon Wayans is her "comic idol"? That just strikes me as bizzare. I loved Major Payne as much as the next guy but him being her idolization comedically doesn't seem genuine. I don't want to question her personal tastes in comedians but… she idolized Wayans over Prior, Murphy and Rock? Carlin, Seinfeld

To "The Cage" - That was based Tony Kornheiser. There's also a show based on Mark Schlereth going on somewhere, starring Rob Riggle.

I found the comment funny, Not "Lol" funny but it was a decent dig(for reasons unknown, furthering the whole confused state). If he/she is wondering… I was being rather sincere. I also am 99% sure I'm not autistic, I figure it would have come up by this point in my life.

Thank you! It's based on a book that I haven't read and am apprehensive to be very critical about, I'm sure it's well written and the author put a lot of effort into it, though I will say that I probably would have read it already if it came out, oh I don't know, three years ago. I'm looking for a new book to read and

Fairly confused
Looks like a reasonable choice. I originally clicked the link because I misread Ed Harris as Ed Helms, which for immersion's sake would be a problem in my humble opinion. I probably would find their effort more entertaining, moreso than this, which looks well produced but isn't likely to capture my