
Okay, be honest: are you just copying everything Augustus does today?

Did you work at Camp Firewood?

Damn :(. She was 95. I like to think she still believed in Kris Kringle for all that time.

Neither can I!
/drowning five

Another excellent installment in your series, Spy.

Indeed I do. See? I told you you were good at things.

/math five

Ah, there it is. I was waiting for the other shoe ;).

You're pretty good at trivia yourself, Gus.
(Thanks, man. You're a good dude.)

Self-loathing and accounting.

Jesus, Glaz. We all know Stephen is horrible at his job, but we try to not say it to his face.

Thank you for the link!

I'll be purchasing my tickets tomorrow because all the good IMAX seats will certainly be sold out in Toronto if I don't. If you live in an area with either a) a large population or b) few theatres, I would recommend doing so as well. However, if you intend on seeing it in regular format and thus have no issues with

Holy shit. My inner 13 year old self is going nuts. That looks great!

I can also jump on this losing bandwagon!

Make that 16,0001.

Hahaha, exactly ;).

Happy Birthday to Affro, the guy with the coolest podcast around!

Get well soon, Quirky!

Happy Birthday, Glaz! You are a nice landlord - I enjoy living under your bed ;).