
Get out.

Not a problem!

(Not really.)

Hey there, Quirky!

Happy 4th of July to all those celebrating! Is anyone going to make it trivia tonight? If so, what time would be best for you?

Congratulations on the purchase! (My condolences for the loss of all your free time, haha.) What are your top 6 science fiction films? I do not believe you are a big fan that genre, but I would be interested to hear your list nevertheless.

I don't think I've ever been so accidentally accurate.

I volunteer to host trivia - I've not done so in some time and am certainly overdue. I'm also definitely interested in liveblogging and playing Never Have I Ever this Saturday! Are we aiming to watch a good film or a so-bad-it's-good film, haha?


I'm very flattered, but I don't know… can we go on a date first?

Alright, alright, no need to shout. I'll attempt to do Basic Story?

/high five for Aladdin!

Hahaha, I certainly approve of your edit. That being said, go to bed, Dr.!

Not a problem - I'm quite happy to promote a good thing! I look forward to the next episode!

I think the combination of Honest John, boy-donkeys, and a pissed off whale give Pinocchio the edge. Dumbo is also truly heartbreaking, however. Thanks for your list, Stingo!

/high five for The Emperor's New Groove. I still cannot get over how grim Pinocchio is. Is it possibly the most messed up Disney film made? (I do not mean this as a slight, to be clear!)

"Plus, y'know, Mel Gibson."

Hey there, Dr.! Winnie the Pooh is a great choice. Tigger was possibly my favourite character to sketch as a child because of how much he bounced around - it made for some fun (if fairly poor) sketches. I worry if I talk too much about the first ten minutes of Up I will start crying in my office, so I will simply say

I'm surprised you're the first to mention The Little Mermaid! Of all the princess films I've seen, that was always the one I most enjoyed - those songs were fantastic. Was Pocahontas poorly received? I unfortunately do not remember it very well. I do remember Mulan, however! Every time I watched my Hercules VHS tape,

I watched both Dumbo and Lilo and Stitch recently with my niece; the former was far more emotionally devastating than I remembered and my niece fell completely in love with the latter. Thank you, Glaz!