
Now I want to watch that two-parter of Teen Titans!

(Sorry, bongoes!)

Ignore your boyfriend: the correct answer here is Elastigirl.

It sounds like one of these to me, so that is my mind made up.

I would watch that. Twice.

Isn't it? I thought it would be so simple, but is proving quite tough. I'm not even including any Pixar films released prior to its acquisition by Disney. Imagine how much more impossible it would be!

My mistake, I misread that! It may be me who needs more coffee, haha. Ratatouille is excellent as well!

/high five
Any film that manages to make a song about an evil rat catchy deserves top 10 treatment.

You're certainly much better equipped to do so than I am at this point, so I imagine it's very enjoyable! I've fallen rather out of touch with animation since I decided to take up the glamourous life of an accountant, haha. Do it for both of us!

Watch WALL-E.

I think I'm truly missing the boat on Beauty and the Beast. I worry it may be because my sister watched it on repeat when we were children and has consequently been ruined for me. I'm going to add it to my rewatch list, along with Snow White. I've also never seen Alice in Wonderland, so that will be something I'll

I certainly recommend giving it a watch sometime. I think you'd thoroughly enjoy it, based on your like of unconventional Disney films. At the very least, it has an excellent villain and is cheeky in a way you can really appreciate as an adult.

Hahaha, this sounds like a challenge Teenage Alex would have enjoyed, back when he had dreams of actually pursuing art as an adult. I appreciate the tip!

I'm very torn about including Toy Story (it's my favourite of the trilogy as well!) since it was the first Pixar film and a small part of me feels like it would be a disservice to attribute it to Disney, even though they're one and the same now. Where do you rank Toy Story 2 and 3?

Thus far I have Aladdin, Hercules, The Lion King, WALL-E, and The Emperor's New Grove on my list. I'm considering The Great Mouse Detective as my sixth entry, which I think would qualify as unconventional - have you seen it?

I think the last time I saw Snow White I was possibly 7 years old, as that was right around the time my sister was in her prime Disney phase. I'm going to try to rewatch it. Thanks, Narwhal!

Emperor's New Groove is an excellent one. Thanks!

And if it disappoints like Arkham Origins did, it'll be more like 3 months!

Hello all! I have a question: what are your favourite animated Disney films? I'm currently in the process of making a top 6 list and feel like I could benefit from hearing other people's thoughts. Feel free to include Pixar films as well! Since you'll be thinking about it anyways, maybe once you come up with your

You are a monster.