
/tips hat

I'm a little saddened by this, to be honest. It may not have utilized its premise as effectively as it could have, but at least it had a fairly unique premise to begin with - something that is becoming increasingly more rare. The performances were well done, the direction was on point and the takeaway message was

Thank you for getting back to me, Dr.!

Haha, I'm sure getting used to it won't be too bad, don't worry. All the best to you, Hector!

I'm not too badly! I'm happy to report life is going well for myself and AB, though he is drowning in wedding preparations while I am drowning in tax season, haha. We are both really quite elated for you, Quirky. We wish you all the best!

I'm really happy for you both :). Greetings from AB as well! (He wants me to tell you that he called it, haha.)

I'm guessing it's probably too late to ask for it to be bumped to Monday?

How: Todd's request at the end of the Regional Holiday Music review.
When: Approximately three days after Basic Sandwich aired.
Why: Why not?

I actually have plans to watch it this weekend, haha. I'll certainly let you know my thoughts on it!

That logic certainly checks out!

I'm sure it's nothing - at worst, they're full of various human body parts and at best, they're full of her laundry.

I did three.

I'm not sure if you're still looking for suggestions, but The Cat and the Canary and The Hands of Orlac are two silent horror films I would absolutely recommend.

As per my annual re-watch, I've already seen Night of the Living Dead, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, Nosferatu, and Alien. Come Halloween night, I'll be screening The Thing and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Glad you liked it!


We're still looking for a few more players if anyone would like to join!

Trivia will begin in 10 minutes!

Then you're a certified Canadian, never mind honorary!

By virtue of your chocolate preferences, I deem you an honorary Canadian, Narwhal. (I mean this in a complimentary manner, to be clear. Was it incredibly Canadian of me to clarify this? It undoubtedly was.)