
This was a great time, Glazomaniac. Thanks very much for hosting!

I second The Host and May.



Indeed! The environment absolutely set the stage. Have you seen The Orphanage?

It's quite decent, though not nearly as excellent as the original. If you don't let David Caruso's presence deter you, Session 9 was very underrated.

I feel confident you would have already seen this, but Let the Right One In was very good and the American remake wasn't too bad either.

It certainly does. It was released just before he became a household name.

In case you don't enjoy it, I submit Eden Lake as a back-up.

They both certainly share a similar formula in terms of plotting; the protagonist is confronted with deadly situations while traveling. That being said, I would say Hostel is far more gruesome and of the "torture porn" variety than Wolf Creek. It's what I would categorize as a slow burning film, whereas Hostel dives

Naming one you've not seen is a challenge which I accept. How about Wolf Creek?

Damn, that's usually a good one people haven't seen. Great minds, Stingo. How about The Descent?

The House of the Devil

Pardon my language, but: holy shit.

Happy Birthday, Glazomaniac! I am still working through the list of movies you recommended to me, but the ones I've seen thus far have been fantastic. Thank you for always being such a friendly and welcoming person. Have a good one!

I just saw Gone Girl. Rosamund Pike deserves every single nomination possible.

Fuck off.

Excuse me?

The same to you, Quirky!
