
Hahahaha. Pardon my late response, Gus - the Disqus dashboard buried this fairly far down in my notifications. I'm rather flattered and humbled that you took the time to locate my first comment. I'm also rather certain I subconsciously stuck around because I knew, deep down, that trivia was to come.

If memory serves, you are incredibly fond of that show, so I do not take this transferring of titles lightly.

Thank you, Chris Traeger! I'm rather glad to be here.

Indeed. And phrasing.

I suppose now is as good a time as any to come clean and admit that when those WHAT'S SHE SMOKIN? responses first came, I was extremely freaked out and more or less convinced that I had wandered into a cult. All that being said, I'm quite glad I stayed :).

A year ago today, I stumbled head first into this group. It's rather remarkable to look back on these last 365 days and note how so many things have drastically changed, while so many other things have remained exactly the same. I will always be very grateful that this review board and the exceptional commenters here

Well, should someone with a peanut allergy attempt to steal it, you'll have a rather helpful additional security feature. The person may die, but it probably serves them right for their thieving ways.

Having it any other way would be blasphemous.

I share your pain; my niece dropped my iPhone 5 and cracked the screen the day after I got it.

It's really just gotten better and better, hasn't it?


That it is, but just you wait, young grasshopper.

I've a suspicion SG has just watched Seeing Red.

Hello! Would you be able to talk in Tinychat after trivia? (I'm assuming you are playing as you are the reigning Trivia Queen!)

Hey there, Dr! If you've a moment, I was wondering if I could possibly have a quick chat with you? It's not at all urgent, just whenever you're available :).

Happy Birthday, Narwhal!

I do apologize; I didn't mean for this post to come across as an asshole jab against DC. It honestly just made me laugh with specific regards to the films and how the Marvel Universe seems to have handled itself much better (though still not without flaws) than that of the DC Universe. This was a very well written and