
The sight of this embedding scared the living daylights out of me. (It's also quite factual - Dr. literally won all on her own.)

You raise a valid point. That being said: A B C D!


By walking away.

/waves as you scuttle

Talk about a pig house, am I right?

Thank you, Narwhal, that's very kind of you to say! And yes, I certainly do know whom you are referring to. They're the worst. (It's Todd, right?)

It was pretty much just my inane rambling - you didn't miss anything!

Hey there, Quirky!

This comment and ensuing thread is one of those things that, as a still relatively new member of these parts, I am both mildly frightened and highly amused by.

PHRASING RECEIVED! (I heard you all the way over here in Canada!)

Very, very great.

I'm inclined to agree with you about Intro to Knots - I enjoyed it as far as season 4 goes. The grading for that year was (understandably) all over the place, I think. It was a rather unprecedented situation and I imagine attempting to mark it as a separate entity from the Harmon years while still adhering to the

Just to clarify, I meant more in regards to the fact that it is his lowest graded episode of Community apart from the season 4 finale (if I recall correctly), so his assessment of what constitutes a "con" is slightly inconsistent.

When in doubt, remind him of the grade he gave to Advanced Criminal Law and question how we could ever possibly trust his judgment. (Playing fair is overrated.)

This wasn't self-indulgent. It was a really great read. I was raised in a fairly religious environment and would like to believe there is something/someone out there watching over this often insane planet, but what you've described here makes much more sense to me than a lot of what I had to study in Catholic school.

I really appreciate your confidence, but I think it's misplaced. My handsome avatar is obviously clouding your judgment.

I'm really sorry, but I would honestly be terrible at this, otherwise I'd definitely like to help out and contribute. My apologies, Narrator. Have a good trip!

Did you know he's got a movie career now? He doesn't seem to be faring anywhere near as well as The Rock, however.

You suck, Disqus.