
I just finished Gone Girl in anticipation of the adaptation and rather enjoyed it. The premise seems almost tailor-made for Fincher; I'm looking forward to the film even more so now.

(Sorry, I don't know where that came from.)
I really enjoyed Alphaville! It's a great film. I would
like to be able to entertain you with tall tales of my many adventures,
but as I told @avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus below, I've very little to

Let's go with both, haha.

I lean towards Marvel, generally speaking. The Infinity Gauntlet story is definitely a favourite, but Dark Phoenix and Daredevil's Born Again are also right up there.

Okay. I'll tell you a story.

Ouch. Your sense of being duped was worse than mine, haha. You (sadly?) win.

Your gimmick confuses me. I'd rather not.

TGIF, am I right? I'm glad to hear you're "not too bad!"

I've seen the other three that round out your top 5 and they're excellent films, absolutely. I appreciate the Blue Jasmine support. The controversy last year perhaps slightly overshadowed the fact that it was some of his best work. Regardless, I've very mixed feelings on him as a person, but cannot help but be a fan

I was wondering if you were going to post these!
1. Red
2. Perhaps a triangle? I'm not sure!
3. Plaid
4. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons or possibly Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas
5. Arrested Development
6. Pier Pressure
7. Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Apocalypse Now and The Thing
8. Francis Ford Coppola
9. "Once In A

This is quite difficult. These rankings are most likely subject to change depending on my mood, but currently, I would go with:
1. Annie Hall
2. Crimes and Misdemeanors
3. Manhattan
4. Blue Jasmine
5. Hannah and Her Sisters

To be honest, I often feel as if nothing very interesting at all happens to me - I'm one of those people who falls into a routine and usually doesn't stray from it. However, two weeks ago, I went to my good friend's stag party and it was actually a really great time. Aside from the fact that it was quite nice to see a

I think Subway would disapprove of his conduct.

Good evening, everyone. How are you all doing? I'm having a quiet night at home and recalled that I had not commented here very much lately, so I thought I might do an AMA. My name is Alex - ask me anything!

Hello! :)

I cannot seem to find the chat we used in my browsing history. Could I possibly trouble you for it?

Then I'll see you at 2:30. Enjoy the game!

That's incredibly unfair and almost certainly a violation of labour laws. I hope something changes for you very soon, Narwhal.

Hey there, again. I understand there is a soccer game on right now and do not want to interrupt your watching it; free to chat when it's done?

Is this another rite of passage? I recall there being warnings that review-writing was a necessary sacrifice and feared it would one day come to collect. I can give it a try?