
Tomorrow sounds great, thanks very much, Eric. See you then.

I really wish I could help you, but that doesn't sound like anyone I personally know, sorry dude.

Hey there, Eric. Whenever you have a moment, would you possibly be able to have a quick chat again?

That certainly sounds very tiresome, so I would say it makes sense for you to be sleepy. I'm sure you did well!

Wow, Disqus is terrible at sending immediate notifications; my apologies for this very delayed reply. I don't want to infringe upon your privacy, so I was hoping I could talk to you for a moment in one of the chatrooms, if that's okay?

Hey there, Eric. I'm sorry to bother you, but could I possibly speak to you for a moment?

Is that the disappointing sequel to Dazed and Confused?

I'm responding to some very boring work emails. How are you?

Well played, Shinigami. Well played!



Good job, NBC. Looks like you did something right, FOR ONCE. Sorry, that got heated. Congratulations! That's a great accomplishment.

It's a fantastic film. Godspeed.

I can see the video in the post!

I was just told about the news and felt like I had to come here and extend what I can only describe as a sincere apology to everyone. This totally and completely sucks.


If Something Quirky was a movie, that movie would be Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.