
2. Really? I always thought it was one of the better animated films. I meant the comparison to be flattering, I assure you!

This news saddens me far more than is probably healthy.

I believe a jonx is in order here.

1. Am I to understand this means you don't like BNL?

2. If you were a movie, you'd be Hard Boiled, because it's a something everyone likes.

"I Want You To Want Me" by Cheap Trick

2. If you were a movie, you would be Winter's Bone, because I've no idea how someone so young is capable of so many (internet) feats.


Or because of her height. Our huddled masses are mistaking her for the Statue of Liberty.

1. When Season 5 premiered and I commented on the review with my thoughts, you replied several days later with something along the lines of, "I was wondering where you were!" I'm not sure if I expressed this at the time, but it was a comment that upon reading, made me instantly smile; thank you for that. I am also

1. That's very nice of you to say, especially considering my first visit to Tinychat basically consisted of me asking mundane question after question. It must have gotten pretty tiresome after a while, but I recall everybody answering and being extremely patient, yourself included.

Thank you very much for the link, Melted Kojak!

2. If you were a film, you would be a very classy foreign film. Unfortunately, I've not seen enough of those to provide an appropriate title. Maybe something French? Jules and Jim? The 400 Blows?

With regards to b), are you referring to your Daffy Duck avatar or your Alison Brie avatar? Either one could make a strong case.

- Night of the Hunter is really great; I'm rather disappointed to have missed that conversation.
- Excellent commenter/film match-up. I think if you were a film, you would be Chinatown.
- What does "IDNOT" mean?
- You certainly do change your avatar fairly often. I rather like trying to figure out what they are each

The conference I was supposed to attend today just got cancelled due to flooding at the venue. Upside: I get to play hooky until tomorrow afternoon. Downside: This hotel is in the middle of nowhere. Solution: I will attempt to partake in the occasional activity you all have of asking each other questions. For extra

I prefer Second Cup, actually. It's a lateral move, I know.

Who down-voted this? That is not called for at all. Lloyd, please be assured it was not me.

The chase scene alone was fantastic.

I think there is a way we can help each other: we can melt down all of the ice and snow that has accumulated over the last several weeks (partially ridding ourselves of this cold front) and voilà, you'll have water.