
I'll allow it!

I was just sent home by my firm because the window in my office will not close properly and they probably didn't want my family to sue them for allowing me to freeze to death while on the premises. Is this perhaps the most stereotypically Canadian thing ever? If only I had been drinking maple syrup simultaneously.

I used to find searching for a new car to be equally exciting and tiresome, haha. There was always a certain amount of thrill in trying to find one that fit both your tastes and your budget, but the time and effort it often required was tedious. Thankfully, I have no need for a vehicle anymore as I take public

Hello, Quirky! I am well, thank you! My 2014 has been rather uneventful, but as the year is only a week along, I have high hopes for the rest of it. How are you?

Those were two extremely pleasant episodes of television. Is it telling that upon finishing them, I immediately came to this page instead of seeking out the new review? Old habits die hard, it seems. Happy belated January 2nd, everybody!

I've been stuck inside due to a rather temperamental snow storm that been raging onward for the last 48 hours. It is times like this I truly miss not having someone to be a shut in with. To that end, I am unfortunately unable to offer much assistance with the snuggling (for strictly geographical purposes, of course)

I am liking this not because it is remotely happy or good news, but as a sign of respect for what was truly a fantastic performer.

Christmas is certainly a very bustling season. It's your birthday next Saturday? Happy (early) Birthday! I hope you have a good time at your party and are able to permanently suspend those wistful feelings by replacing them with inebriation, haha.

Continuum! That show was a pleasant surprise.

I assume because Disqus is in fact sentient and has a twisty sense of humour.

That is fantastic news!

Please do; it is quite an impressive piece of work.

After reading your work, I actually rented the film from iTunes and plan to watch it later this evening after work.

Based on that description, maybe Iron Man could work; Tony Stark is pretty notorious for that kind of behaviour at the beginning of the film. If not, maybe give About A Boy, Swingers, What Women Want or Wedding Crashers a try?

I unfortunately did not read this all the way through as I've not seen the film and wanted to avoid possible spoilers, but the first several paragraphs are very, very well done.

That cake looks absolutely amazing. Please extend sincere kudos to your friend on my behalf.

Normally I would jump at the chance to support Brie Larson in all of her work-related endeavours, but… is nothing sacred anymore?

As do I, Petrichor11. As do I.

I emphatically second this.

Hahaha, no, she most definitely did not. He's a good friend, but also a fairly delusional one.