
I must be honest: I cheated. I was having trouble placing the reference and as such, looked it up on YouTube. You are actually a much better fan than I.

A-Man (Do NOT ask.)
It's been a crazy ride and it's only gonna get crazier once we get to the T-zone. (This is the ridiculous nickname we gave our university. Again, it's best not to ask.) I'm calling from now that on our first day of classes we do an epic pub crawl and get laid. Separately. Like you get laid and I get

You could even say it's fundamental!

Big Fish. I am comfortable enough in my (lack of) stereotypical manliness to admit that I weep every single time.

I just came across this on the forums - what a cool idea. I look forward to reading them.

When time travel becomes actualized, we are definitely doing this.

Damn, you do win. Oh well. It was a hard-fought battle!

Yeah! Solidarity!

If it provides any consolation, your evening sounds much better than mine is shaping up to be. I was supposed to have a sci-fi movie marathon with a friend - complete with beer and wings, of course - until he opted to ditch me 30 minutes ago to spend more time with his girlfriend. Cut to me, sitting alone in my

Fair warning: it is utterly devastating.

Hear, hear. It suffered the misfortune of being the second White House-themed action film this year after Olympus Has Fallen bowed in March, but it was far and beyond the superior film.

I sincerely hope you feel better very soon, Loki1001.

Got it.

I do not understand this at all, but have liked it on sheer principle.

I personally rather enjoyed Time Desk: The Chronicles of Dean Dangerous.

In their defense, creating a teaser trailer that functioned as a Trask Industries commercial was brilliant.

That was great. Thank you for sharing, bongoes!

Which two are in your Top 10?

It's a shame you're unable to see more of the city. Still, I've been to Burlington and it is also nice place to visit. Best of luck with your business endeavour and enjoy your trip!

Odd as this may sound, I would rather the possibility of his return not be open-ended at all. If Troy is leaving, he's leaving; I've no interest in it being ambiguous. A lack of closure regarding his exit is perfectly fine - and, to be perfectly honest, exactly what I am expecting at this point - but as for his