
I'm very honoured you wish me to submit a profile to the forum, but I fear I'm really not in a position to warrant inclusion just yet. I haven't been here long enough to have cultivated any sort of association, haha.

I was born in Seville, Spain on November 19th, 1987.

I'm a monster….

Hello there, Hector. These ruffians have been most welcoming. They are treating me very well. I prefer boxer-briefs. I have not danced with the devil in the pale moonlight, but Batman is indeed an exceptional movie and I would absolutely dance with Jack Nicholson if he asked. I'm afraid I've never seen Les Revenants;

I don't think my brownie is working.

This may sound like a rather odd thing to be proud of, but switching majors from engineering to accounting is the single greatest thing I have ever done. Making that decision was utterly terrifying and disheartening all at once, but after doing so, my post-secondary experience was exponentially better. In short: I'm

I'm Canadian; it's what we do.

I'm a fan of Soderbergh! I would say Out of Sight, Traffic and The Informant! make up my top three of his directorial works. Admittedly, I have yet to see all of his earlier efforts, but have plans to do so eventually.

d) All of the above

My parents both hail from Seville, Spain. They came to Canada with my three-year-old sister and seven-month-old me in June, 1988.

Thank you, Dave! I'm glad I'm not overstepping.

I'm having a rather quiet, lazy evening at home tonight. Would it be inappropriate for me to host an Ask Me Anything session? Am I too new? If so, please disregard. If not, then by all means, ask away.

Sure glad there are no old people here. This thread would probably be total gibberish to them.

…you guys have moles at NBC? I'll be honest: at this point, that wouldn't surprise me in the least.

There will undoubtedly be a fan campaign to lend some assistance. In a way, I almost feel sorry for those poor suckers working in the NBC mailroom; think about all of the potential "items" fans could send that appropriately reflect a show about a cannibalistic murderer while also conveying their very serious

I would like to sincerely thank everybody for being so welcoming (confusing meme comments aside) and allowing me to attempt assimilation into this unique group. A week ago today, I was completely unaware anything like this existed on the internet. I was simply going about my regular schedule: wake up at 7:30am to get

Got it.

Would I be blatantly showing my newbie status if I asked what this is in reference to?

The A.V. Club is changing to the updated version of Disqus? That is the least tight thing I've heard all day.

For Next Time: