
Happy Birthday, Glazomaniac!

If you had said it was 30 minutes of the best action following 120 minutes of weird tonally dissonant shit, I would've been sold.

In that case, I've already failed Mr. Tarantino. For this, I will be eternally sorry.

Or perhaps it was secretly an excellent movie, the brilliance of which was cleverly hidden by the seemingly terrible casting of Johnny Depp?

Best gimmick account ever.

Does this mean I have to see The Lone Ranger now?

Thank you, @avclub-7d58cc22d9ed7d85decaa81e6cedee22:disqus!

Hey, thanks! I don't think anything I've ever written has been described as an "ode" before. I feel oddly lyrical.

I've always been a Ruffles person myself.

When you say Lay's, do you mean Let's?

Happy Birthday, Occams!

Thank you, @avclub-ec6e411553d04950c3225c1fbdc8d116:disqus! I'll get started on my speech right away.

Apple pie! Or any pie, for that matter. Pie simply smells delicious, regardless of flavour.

I'll start clearing a place on my mantle immediately. That shouldn't be too difficult, since it's empty.

That is some seriously shiny news.

I realize I don't know you very well, but let me tell you what my father told me when I was in a similar situation with my job: "Keep on doing what you're doing until it no longer makes you happy. Then stop. It's not worth it to continue."

I'm picturing these awards as little golden Human Being statuettes.

Thank you, @avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus!

Is there another chatroom? I just went into the one I know of and it was empty.

You guys do your own reviews? That is dedication. I am thoroughly impressed. I agree with your diagnosis - this episode would have fared better if the C plot had been discarded and more time had been devoted to the Trobed rift or Britta/Subway courtship. Annie being the true culprit behind the note would have been an