

We spell "colour" with a QU! (I almost had that one, didn't I?)

I'm already intrigued/terrified =).

1. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons or Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas
2. Seasons 1-3: Competitive Wine Tasting, Season 4: Alternative History of the German Invasion
3. Season 2 > Season 1 > Season 3 >>>> Season 4
4. Chevy.
5. Yes.

Thank you, Shinigami Apple Merchant! I do like cats, because this is the internet, after all.

Yeah! I contributed something! Look at me now, dad! (Am I doing this right? You guys just speak in random references here, I'm assuming?)

Thank you, digifreak642!


I admit I was really confused and sort of freaked out by it at first, but it seems like just a weird meme this place has and I totally respect that, so it's all good. Thanks for the support!

Hello again!

Thank you, I will! I should probably try to fall asleep now, but it was really surreal finding you. I will come by this place tomorrow to properly contribute to the discussion in a reasonable fashion. Goodnight!

Holy crap. HI! Um, now I have no idea what to do! …HI!

…is that really you? Am I being Punk'd again?


No, I don't have the patience or skill to shave my sideburns with that amount of precision. Damn, I sound like a real winner, eh?

Hi. I'm about to do something a bit pathetic, so to the people who post here regularly, please consider this an apology and feel free to ignore it (it actually might save me some shame if you do).