Cousin Olivier

Next I want to see Ziggy paired up with Ziggy Stardust.

30 Roll

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus - my personal fav is when she tells Ryan she's pregnant after he becomes VP, then it goes right to a talking head where she's just silently shaking her head "no".

That line is so awesome - subtle, yet undeniably gross.

No, it's a zany yet heartwarming comedy about Regan Macneil's identical twin sister who also happens to be possessed: The Exor 'sis

You got it.

Cast Away 2: Wilson Strikes Back

That O'Neal… what a nut!

…and Lance Armstrong sheds a jealous tear.

Similar to another line she gave in an episode, "Please don't throw garbage at me, Michael."

Still waiting for Dr. Detroit II: The Wrath of Mom.


I agree - Journey was the shit back in 1980 (and sounded damn good, back when they were still in the process of moving from a blues-based band to more of a rock/pop sound).

I'm still surprised that the ManGo Juice ad from Tobias' "insertmeanywhere.biz" website hasn't seen exposure:


The sequel to the prequel to the original and the other sequels.

I don't quite get this. When a person - someone who is not known for being especially outspoken, I might add - is asked what their opinion is on something, and their opinion differs from what you expect… then they have no right to say it? Disagree if you want, but he has every right to say it.

This makes sense, as several of his body parts have no doubt been actually replaced by titanium at this point.

I hope they don't get rid of the Seaward.

Did you ever have a dream, Pee-Wee?
(said in a creepily low voice)