
aside from the fact that Deb is shaken up about having murdered someone in cold blood, her whole breakdown about LaGuerta doesn't make any sense. they've had bad blood ever since early seasons and they may have grown to have a professional respect for each other but it was by no means a relationship of such proportion

this show needs to become the eric northman and jason stackhouse investigating team and cut all the dead weight (werewolves + shifters)…

Exactly. The worst part is when Karen keeps acting like Jimmy is the dick for not wanting to talk to her after they watch the lights dim. She rejects him multiple times, ignores his pleas for help, lets him misunderstand about Derek until the last possible moment, and THEN gives him attitude when he would rather mourn

I agree! But after all the fuss they repeatedly made about not having a dead character coming back to sing (even though both musicals did exactly that), I'm a little afraid Andy Mientus won't get to come back and sing. Or Smash is going to find some way to inject shitty flashbacks into the rest of the 3 episodes left.

Well that's possibly because Smash has succeeded in lowering your expectations about Smash…because if you maintained the same level of critical viewing for Smash as you did for everything else you watch, you may find that the "bright" spots mostly just amount to flecks of "not-pitch-black"…

Actually, why did Ana still pull the trigger when she saw that Jimmy wasn't in position to catch Karen yet? She's either really dedicated to the timing of the show, or there's some residual resentment there.

It's funny how quickly the show lets the book writers improve. Julia is apparently an amazing writer after one collaborative effort with Peter that left Derek breathless. Kyle, as he says himself, "is good at this now" after [a] getting rid of all his contribution, and [b] working in one session with Julia and Scott.

Speaking of Ana, I'm surprised she and Karen are suddenly back on chummy terms. Because there was serious drama there, even at the beginning of the episode when Ana was all pissed…but then she 360s and consoles Karen that the show getting ruined is not her fault and then manhandles Jimmy on her behalf after he calls

It just makes me wonder if the NBC guys watched Gossip Girl with Josh Safran running it, because everyone who watched that show agree that it was ruined when he started being boss. That finale….

The audience was probably ecstatic they wouldn't have to try to decipher her facial expression anymore. But yes, I think she died. I understand the plot of Hit List, mostly, but I have no idea what kind of point they're trying to prove. That being said, it's not like Bombshell has given us an updated version of its

AMEN! Jeremy Jordan sings like a damn angel and he's stuck being Katharine McPhee's backup vocals. Almost the biggest waste of potential since Smash midseason 1.

But I actually felt like "Don't Let Me Know" was exactly how Jimmy was feeling. Almost like he's saying "I wish I hadn't cared so much about you so that when I let you in and you break my heart, it wouldn't matter." And "The Last Goodbye" seems to be about how Karen and Jimmy are over for good, no matter how much he

Seriously, when this show wants to introduce a particular characterization, they just do it and commit to it fully…even if said characterization completely contradicts all the previously-established traits. Because Karen was supposed to be this innocent naive little ingenue from the backwoods who has just as much

Kyle gets WAY too little screen time and singing time for his talent. Those last few minutes of him singing and emoting and walking were more dramatic and poignant than Karen during all two seasons of Smash.

I definitely enjoyed Charlie more this round than in that strange LARP episode, but in general, her character hasn't been written as very consistent. The back story, while tragic and beautiful in its own way, seems pretty contrived since her original hacking days back in the Dick Roman empire was only mentioned as

This episode was SO AMAZING. I know, I know, everyone before and after me has said and will have said this already…but OMFG AMAZEBALLS. This is the LEGENDARY kind of Game of Thrones episode wherein you catch up with most of the relevant readers while maintaining a good plot pace without it getting chaotic and

Words cannot describe my disappointment when the screen went black the moment Ivy went on stage. Seriously! The premise of Smash was ALL ABOUT the showbiz process, and now, in the parallel that is Bombshell's hour of triumph, we see nothing except for one song? This entire season, or I guess as soon as Tom was

Honestly though, when Ivy was talking to Karen about how she was constantly looking up to her (firstly, the biggest eye-roll a la Liz Lemon http://www.youtube.com/watc…, all I felt in the moment was how much more likeable Ivy is as a character than Karen. When Karen was cast as Derek's Marilyn, her first act was to

I've heard that Katharine McPhee just openly refuses to acknowledge anything about Smash anymore because she sees it as a sinking ship, so I would imagine these last couple of episodes is just her kinda phoning it in. The whole pouty Karen routine that seems to be happening every single episode is not really acting,

And it was SO WEIRD how Kyle was totally sober, has never shown any sort of romantic inclination toward Tom, sees that Tom is stinking drunk and making a nonsensical proposition, and STILL ACCEPTS. wtf.