Noodles Mahoney

@avclub-114abfd756a96297ee60d3c4e2768e35:disqus Florence yet lives.

@avclub-114abfd756a96297ee60d3c4e2768e35:disqus Florence yet lives.

Slow down, Mal. Even us bookstore drones feel your pain.
Here's a little snapshot of my working life, circa Summer 2012. . .

Slow down, Mal. Even us bookstore drones feel your pain.
Here's a little snapshot of my working life, circa Summer 2012. . .

So you're a Mavericks fan?

So you're a Mavericks fan?

But wasn't Ser Amory Lorch personally responsible for killing Rhaenys Targaryen (Rhaegar's daughter) during the slaughter at King's Landing which ended the Baratheon Rebellion? I mean, if your commander can stab a screaming four-year-old girl to death, I'm sure the crew you're riding with isn't exactly the 4077th.


Finally, after all the props for Down on the Upside tracks, some love for "Never the Machine Forever". One of my favorite Soundgarden songs ever.

Prior to the that first slap, Tyrion advises Joffrey to offer condolences to his betrothed Sansa, y'know, like a normal human being. Joff scoffs, saying "I can't stand the wailing of women." He looks over at the Hound like "You know what I'm talking 'bout, brah? On top!" On turning back around, he gets a mouthful of

much you wanna bet that tomorrow night Whitney will get more thanks
than that perpetual studio hanger-on/everybody's homie Jesus Christ? Eddie Vedder's probably learning the ukelele tab to "How Will I Know?" as I type this.

@avclub-81fc53c51059936bda7ac43bdcb32449:disqus I lived in Top 40 suckdom until my fifteenth birthday (October 1988), when my older cousin's boyfriend took pity on me and made me copies of Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, Never Mind the Bollocks, Wild in the Streets, the first Suicidal Tendencies and a MDC album

In 1988, I listed "Heavy Metal" as my music of choice on the Columbia House form I meticulously clipped from the back page of the Sunday Parade. I taped my penny and waited. . .and about a month and a half later, I received a cassette of Krokus' Heart Attack. I don't think I ever opened it.

This album and Van Halen's 1984 were the first* albums that I ever purchased with my own money (being ten years old in 1984). About three days ago, I dusted off my vinyl copy of Metal Health and the title song still kicks ass. As it should, because it was the entrance theme of WCCW legend The Missing Link. All told, I

Truly a Doubleheader of Awesome next week. The faux-Martin Milner at the end of Image still makes my flesh crawl, and Sheriff Lobo reppin' Maple Street. Great writeups, guys.

I suppose that I can claim some old school status as far as fandom is concerned. I was born in 1973 and I can vaguely remember being six or seven and watching the trippy intro to a Tom Baker-era serial (The Pirate Planet is the first that I recall actively from beginning to end). Anyways, I can aver that me and the

Whoa indeed.
As a learned habit inherited from my obit-loving ma and grandma, I scan the Deaths in 2011 page at Wikipedia daily. Needless to say, I took a punch in the gut. Say it ain't so! At least now she gets to reteam in dork heaven with the Third Doctor, the Brigadier and Harry Sullivan against the First Master.