Le Beef DeHume

Would it be possible to convince non-Whedonites to see this by comparing it to Dr. Horrible? That's what I'm going for with my friends.

I wouldn't work at Google (and let's be honest, they probably wouldn't want me) because it sounds like a workplace controlled by Hank Scorpio. I went to a presentation that they did at my school and it just sounds like all kinds of a nightmarish place to be at with the weird level of control that they have over your

Did anybody else notice how fat a lot of the patrons were? Too much pie, that's their problem.

Clone High - "Litter Kills: Litterally"

We can comment on Savage Dik now? This isn't going to end well.

JVDB in a fatsuit is almost as good as Schmidt in a fatsuit.

Access to the building will be limited to passes that are scratch-and-sniff with the scent of "history". Only thirty eight of these passes will be released at a reasonable price and they will resurface on eBay within a few months commanding prices in the low thousands.

Sounds tasty.

I watched Tokyo Story last week and I would probably be openly bawling if I watched it in a movie theater. His stories must be terribly affecting on the big screen.

Wait, what happened to Narrator?

I tried watching it and couldn't make it past the first twenty minutes. I think it's very broad humor that plays upon the audience expecting to laugh at Will Ferrel? I find Tim and Eric very funny and found Anchorman to just be sort of dull.

To be completely honest, I'd buy Season Four just to listen to these commentaries. It's pretty much the only way I'd be interested in watching most of the "Darkest Timeline" episodes.

Holy shit what an episode. I'm not sure what I expected but that just seemed completely different from anything that came before while still being The Venture Bros. If they can live up to this for the rest of the season, it's going to be some really great television.

Started watching the Seven Up series. Other than that not much. Ordered Colonel Blimp from Amazon as they're having a sale on a lot of Criterion titles right now and I've wanted to watch more of the Archers' films.

That slayed me.

Ignore me!

Could we lose Moffat as well? Thanks.

Just to be certain, the Gravity's Rainbow that we're appreciating on a higher level is the one with all the poop jokes, right?

I've been reading it after I finish each pair of episodes. Really hoping to be caught up soon.

Hey, at least you gotta a carpet.