Le Beef DeHume

I have no experience but this sounds like a lot of fun.

Steve Smith is hilarious!

(Internet/Regular Style) Dating Thread

My Dad gave me a Playboy after returning home from a business trip once. It was open but seeing as I was 13-ish at the time, I didn't really question this.

*waves smelling salts under nose*

Who's excited for more Knife Bear?

You know what season sucks? The one with "Everybody Goes to Hank's" and "Operation P.R.O.M.".

NBC: Literally run by morons. Could a magic 8 ball run the network better? Ask again later.

At the risk of revealing where I live, I could walk to this coffee shop and I've probably been past it several times before.

I'm planning on it. I love the Marx Brothers and this just seems like it's going to be a great experience.


There are people who don't wait for B&N sales to buy Criterions?

Screw this noise, I'm going to see A Night at the Opera at my local theater.

This album is great and I really love "Step", "Ya Hey" and "Hudson".

Plus you get to shout into the Hudson. Way cooler than shouting into a gaping void in the woods with Zach Braff.

If "Via Chicago" isn't used next season, they're idiots. That's all I have to say.

The song isn't leading but in my imagination it's sung by William Shatner and really, it can't be better than that.

Star Trek II. Because really, why not?

Silverstein has troves of great bawdy humor. I got his record "Freakin' At the Freaker's Ball" a month ago and I've discovered so many great things that he did that completely changed the image I had of him.