Le Beef DeHume

I completely agree with you.

Wow that's bad.

This actually looks pretty decent. Then again, I'm a huge The National fan who already preordered the deluxe version of the new album and has apparently listened to their songs over 1700 times so take that with a grain of salt.

So says you. My dream woman is a spambot, she knows all these crazy tricks to losing weight.

I don't get it.

Don't forget about Anomalisa, the kickstarted Charlie Kaufman/Dino Stamatopafinakis (Starburns) joint. It's in production pretty much right now.

Dole them out slowly. Unwrap each episode at the exact moment you need it and treasure the fleeting humor of the Fox clan.


Making fun of that guy is too easy. Of course he thinks it's the greatest show of all time, just look at his trappings. It's a show that's perfectly suited to him and he probably doesn't have any objective critical capacity; I can easily picture that guy getting angry because Avengers wasn't unanimously voted the bestā€¦

Nary a mention of Booster Gold. I'm starting to worry that it was never picked up by SyFy and its existence is just a fever dream I had.

The best part of the Inbetweeners Movie (for me anyway) was Anthony Stewart Head as Will's dad. Other than that it was a little bland but still enjoyable enough.

Supposedly there is an extant episode from Season 2 that was shot before the third horse died but I don't know where they'd glue it in.

"fame could even good"

Some episodes are still available for free but probably not the first couple from season two.

Was anybody else just tickled pink at all the guest voices they got for the song? I was so happy when I saw the credits and yes, they did get Richard Kind for just two lines.

Do you have cable? You can watch episodes on the [Adult Swim] website if you put in some code or something somewhere.

Maybe you're just jealous of my frothy, orangeĀ diarrhea.

Jack Nicholson!

He Cleaned Clowns but I'm bringing two boxes of tissues. One is for tears, the other is for semen.

I watched two movies - Mala Noche and Evil Dead 2. It's the double-feature nobody asked for!