I don't actually own a TV, I just watch everything …. quasi-legally? I'll probably lie about my viewing habits and just write down all the weekly shows that I definitely watched when they originally aired.
I don't actually own a TV, I just watch everything …. quasi-legally? I'll probably lie about my viewing habits and just write down all the weekly shows that I definitely watched when they originally aired.
C'mon dude. We can't tell you if you're ready.
Hey AV Clubbers, I'm getting a Nielsen packet to fill out in the mail soon. Is this an actual thing that matters and if so, how can I make sure The Bing Bag Therey gets "7 seasons and a movie franchise"?
Maybe we could form a codependent support group.
Is "Tim and Eric-like" just short hand for "We ran out of money because we blew it all on going to the Knoxville World's Fair and bought all these cool wigs"?
I love Eugene Mirman but I also love this song. I feel that the problem that most people have with it is that they think it's a triumphant party anthem when it's really a deranged fantasy sequence being performed by a lone young boy, huddled in a corner and crying at his failed Bar-Mitzvah party. It's not his fault…
I watch it weekly (when it's on) and it's pretty much brainless entertainment - a step above Chuck Lorre shows but not really great or even all that good. I think the best description might be eminently watchable as it's basically a capable sitcom done by the numbers.
Pffft. Whatever, they're just a dumb Owl City ripoff.
If the AV Club is free, why have I had to send money to @Lobsters every month?
Don't watch Deadwood.
To be fair, my hook to get him to see the movie was that a man drowns in poop.
My roommate had me get a copy of this for him even after I pointed to a plethora of sources that said it was terrible. He also walked out about eighty percent of the way through Brazil and called it awful. I don't understand some people.
No more Goon reviews? This, good sirs, is a travesty!
So is this going to fester and die out of sheer negligence?
Most of the concert is the band members just singing their band name really quiet like into microphones, like most concerts.
It's a Bob's Burgers reference, but I can make smome typos if you want.
Sadly, the owner of Whole Foods is a big ole dingus.
I think we're at roughly the same point in The Wire. I've been loving pretty much everything about this season but I can understand why the political stuff might be boring. I just finished the episode where they talk about separating the corner kids into different classes and I'm looking forward to seeing how that…