Le Beef DeHume

Nobody tells me when to disappoint myself! It just happens!

That's called a spin-off or backdoor pilot. What it means is that your brain is trying to create a new show but needs a built in audience to make sure it succeeds.

I saw Guacamole online before I saw it in the theater and I think hearing everybody else be astonished by it really made it a lot better for me.

Vachon Cake Meets the Ladies but only if it's about a puppet cake interested in poon.

Vachon Cake Meets the Ladies but only if it's about a puppet cake interested in poon.

Are we getting Linda songs in every episode from now on? I'm very okay with this.

Haha! Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerds!

I saw the Oscar nominated short animated films on the big screen because it's important to have an opinion on those.

I don't even own a The Simpsons!

Have no fear, they've got stories for years!

The best episode is clearly next week's Boys.

Does anyone know what music was used in the episode? I loved the piano piece played at the end.

We'll dig our way out!

Did anybody else completely forget that Patrick Wilson was cast as Dunham's boyfriend on Girls?

Just wait until they somehow de-animate all the episodes. Cautiously optimistic.

Yes, but only because TV has ironically ruined my attention span. I managed to binge-watch season 2 of The Wire last year but I then realized that Wire episodes were finite and I'm now doing a "slow watch" where I take breaks that are a few months long between seasons.

The creators talk about how it's meant to be sort of timeless - they just pick what they think is funniest.

False. All shows are graded against the season finale of the Seinfeld season of Curb or "Eric Visits Again" from Undeclared. Anything else is just poppycock.

I mean, you could do whatever. You'd basically own him.

Bilbo T. Baggins… oh… I just got that.