Joseph Sixpack Esq.

Agreed on Hollywood Prospectus, started listening about a month ago based on a recommendation in the comments here, and it's really solid, basically a funnier Firewall & Iceberg with no Dan Fienberg! 

Yeah, stopped listening to his podcast apart from people I really like and/or haven't already heard enough of on other podcasts.  Several episodes I listened to felt recycled from WTF and other 'casts' episodes, and Holmes is just too much for me to take on a weekly basis. 

A thousand times yes. 

I eventually got into it enough, once Jimmy, and even a few times Matt, were able to get in a word or two edgewise; thought the second half went better than the first.  Enjoyed the bonus episode, although Tabasco Ears' film knowledge is about 20x greater than Matt's and 50x greater than Jimmy's, so he should have to

I was going to join in on the love for the SF Sketchfest episode until I noticed that it was Doug himself who started the thread… sneaky bastard. 

Yes!  The only thing I enjoy more than Matt Mira bashing is hearing Hardwick moan about Matt Mira bashing! 

Yeah, not sure I've heard him anywhere else besides CBB, but he was a surprisingly game and likable gust on Who Charted.

Enjoyed Schmidt and Nick Adams, but Jesse was back to annoying Jesse this week, to me at least, complete with satsuma references and his stilted, affected comedic cadence and and overuse of 'dude' and 'fucking love' and the like… and yet I remain a fan of the show.

Yeah, I still find Ventura funny enough, but the character needs to be retired, or at least shelved for a while.  Feels like Ventura appearances have equaled or exceeded all other Adomian character appearances combined over the last year and a half. 

I thought the first 45 or so minutes were tedious, and that's a lot of time to waste on tedium, but it did pick up quite a bit in the second half.  No desire to ever see Bierko return as a guest though.  I do think the hit-to-miss ratio of new guests the past couple seasons has been pretty solid.  Harland Williams,

That Ken Burns character was the most boring 15 min. (3 hrs.?) in the history of Sklarbro.  Jensen Karp was good though. 

Have to agreed w/ the reviewer that this guy was the best guest of the year to date.  Was ready to skip the episode after 5 min., know the last time WC? had a guest I had never heard of was a snooze, but I thought Karp was excellent despite his questionable resume.  Likable guy, enjoyed his encyclopedic knowledge of

I get the impression that Pete doesn't know anyone who isn't a stand-up comic. 

This guy (forget his name) was a snooze, and seemed to miss about 83 or so references.   On the bright side, Jesse didn't annoy me quite as much as he had been in recent months. 

I agree with the reviewer, except that I AM a diehard CBB fan, and I found this one increasingly exhausting/irritating starting around the 20 min. mark.  Usually love Wittels and Rust as guests, but the nonstop giggling, frequently lame jokes, and bits that went nowhere just wore on me. 
On the other hand, despite

No Redemption Island, no members of the extended Hantz family, and no 3-time returning players that 99% of the viewing public could give a shit about ever seeing again.  It's win, win, win!

The perfect capper to this craptacular season would be Sarah knocking off Paul in the finale following a final challenge in which the contestants are deprived of 4 of their 5 senses.

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that Paul F. Tompkins playing the immigrant juice bar owner at Todd's gym on last week's Todd Glass Show was the single funniest thing in the history of the universe. 

Unfortunately, I'm guessing that it's not all that likely that Jesse will be replaced as co-host of JJGo in the coming months by someone more likable.

Yeah, I turned this one off and deleted it about 10 min. in.  Still usually enjoy the show, but thinking Who Charted? is going to be a more guest-dependent listen for me going forward, just too much quality content out there.