Joseph Sixpack Esq.

I also inexplicably enjoy the "have a summah" bit, but it's not laugh out loud funny by any means.

Up and In: The Baseball Prospectus Podcast
Just want to throw a recommendation out there for any baseball (an potentially non-baseball) fans reading. Up and In is an enjoyable, rambling 2+ hour podcast that's more often focused on prospects than major leaguers, with the pop culture segments usually focus on the

Probably a good call Prick Decay- Jonah Ray was about as mediocre a guest as I feared he'd be going in.

Didn't dislike Byrne as much as most others apparently did, agree that his plight of the white man section was not all that funny and definitely did nothing to alter my views on comedy, but found the D Cook part pretty interesting, and it at least to me sounded more legit than Cook's version of the events.

This week was about a B/B-, Dappity Tappity was a one trick horse (expression?), but thought there was more funny than a majority of the 2011 offerings.

I generally think Aukerman is funny as hell (always like him on NNF), but at his best on CDR when dealing w/ 3+ guests, and the show definitely lives/dies by its guests. The show has been dragged down this year w/ episodes w/ only 1 guest plus a lackluster character. Scott and the show fire best when there at least

Still on the fence on this one. Had a few laugh out loud moments going through a few episodes, but then found too many dead spots/annoying bits on subsequent episodes, reluctantly gave it up (thinking I was maybe making a mistake by doing so).

World's Best Boss
Loved that Creed was drinking from Michael's earlier-discarded mug during that final goodbye.

I don't think I have ever disagreed more with something I've read on the AVC than I did with Chris's take on the UK Office Christmas specials. He makes the ending sound analogous to the ending of an Adam Sandler movie or something. Right up there with the best tv finales ever. And The Office's "message", if there

Easily the worst Klosterman BS report ever- the women-in-the-NBA thing was an unending dead end, best left for one of Simmons email columns, which I'm assuming he still puts together at times.

Ditto to all above. The Rogan interview consisted of far too much Maron beating a dead horse that didn't really merit beating in the first place. Definitely far worse gigs I can think of for a comic to take than the Fear Factor one. Re. the irony tirade, having been to the Clermont Lounge in Atlanta, I kind of

Glad to hear I wasn't alone in hating the end of this week's CDR. The show has built up enough goodwill that I stuck through to the end, but that was a brutal 20 or so minutes. Back-to-back disappointing episodes for me, considering I'm normally a huge Adam Scott and Jon Hamm fan any time they appear on podcasts,

Agreed- especially a show like Slate's Hang Up and Listen- which I am now a weekly/listener subscriber to thanks to your Best of 2010 article, and enjoy a good deal. But there's really absolutely no reason to give a weekly recap of that podcast- it's a weekly interesting discussion of the weeks' biggest sports

His George Burns impression is quite topical.

Klosterman definitely always talks circles around Simmons. He also often overpraises Simmons (e.g. this week, telling him he always has his pulse on what the general populace is thinking) before asking him a question, then Simmons gives a long-winded answer during which he tries to sound smart and live up to

Morales throwing the fight seems plausible, but I did not get any sense from the camerawork in the episode that the fight was being thrown. I might have missed it, but it seemed to me that Lights won because he ignored the advice from his corner and caught Morales off-guard with a vicious combination (although this

When will the audio podcast be available?
Remember when the A.V. Club published its 'Inventory' book, and listed good stuff on the tops of pages under 'Heaven', and shitty stuff at the bottom of pages under 'Hell', and listed 'Audio podcasts' on the 'Heaven' side, and 'Video podacts' on the 'Hell' side… well, yeah,

And, I really need Community and Parks & Rec to come back next year. Can't take any more heartbreak after Terriers was pulled from the air.

'Olivia Munn's Pocahontas face' was the name of my 2010 fantasy football team.

Re. Carolla, my downloading of/listening to his show is more dependent on his guests than with shows like CDR/WTF/Sklarbros, which I listen to regardless of who's on. I often find Carolla laugh-out-loud funny, but he has a tendency at times to repeat the same bits/jokes/stories, the sections w/ Bald Brian and the