It's the Tairy Greene Machine!
It's the Tairy Greene Machine!
They're geniuses
Those of us who saw the tour (like me *lowers shades*) have already seen this, but we took a pledge not to talk about it and sealed it with a spin
Actually the movie is good
Yea, I'm huge fan and that was the only thing they've done that actually disturbed me, but in a good way
Hell yea
Yea buddy. If you see her tell her to play in Wisconsin some time
Man I wish my local guys did fart jokes
This guy is an enormous piece of shit. Something about drive time radio DJ seems to attract the absolute biggest loser unfunny trash white guys
I love that argument. "Right now I can't eat a nice piece of filet mignon so instead I'll eat this dog shit I scraped off the sidewalk."
At Appleton's Mile of Music festival this last weekend, I'm pretty sure 75% of the bands I saw were mixed gender. Which is sweet.
New Alice Glass!!!!!
Also been on an Angel Olsen and Father John Misty kick this week
After seeing Valerian all I want in life is to have Cara Delevigne roll her eyes at me
Who has the stones to actually click that link at work
It's really good
I've always thought the map of middle earth was too condensed
I would be ok with Aubrey stalking me
And AV club commenters never had to come up with an original joke again!
Is there a supercut of Jack and Rose saying each others' names. Cause that's what I remember from the dialogue