
Gotcha. I remember reading about that now.

Ugh….doesn't the Nazi movie blame the sinking on the Jews…

2 thoughts. I almost guarantee the reason the k pop band is big in Wisconsin is the large Hmong population we have here.
Also Mormons have wretched taste

…so good

Has anyone taken cooler band photos? I doubt it


Totally agree

I think that could be cause they have to appease a certain type of fan, idk I'm tired haha

The best fight for me was reloading the battery clip on his laser gun

I enjoyed it but i think they're kind of having their cake and eating it to if that makes sense

I enjoy the violence as a window into Roiland's demented mind

RIck mustard gluing a spare pickle into his bullet wound. I died

I watched that a couple years back and I can safely say it's the most boring movie ever filmed. I supposed it was "radical" at the time, but yowza.

Same but that was cause of my unintentionally similar dancing

Of course!



You're not the messiah, you're a very naughty boy

Well that's true

From already being hugely successful in his field?