
One of the funniest in a while, I was laughing out loud the whole episode
That episode made me burst with laughter. Sexual Healing gave me about 4 chuckles throughout the whole episode. Scrotie McBoogerballs was great episode, much bigger improvement from SH, Medicinal Fried Chicken was cool, but had me in between the

Turd in the punchbowl
I enjoyed this episode. Some jokes were stale, especially the Bill Clinton jokes. But this was a good episode. It kept me laughing, unlike some.

In memory….
of peter graves

Uniquely awesome addition to the gorillaz library
I love gorillaz just for their sound. Probably one of the few hip hop bands I will like. This is a cool addition to it. Their music videos are friggin awesome.

OK episode
I think they focused onto this weird gimmicky brain thought recognition thingy or whatever it was. I am those people who do enjoy watching blood and other weird medical phenomenon so House IS the show for me. But all this fancy high technology thing did not grab my attention. So anyway I'm giving this a B-

Didn't like the Wilson porno
I didn't enjoy it, because I think a lord of the rings-ish porno is kind of stupid. Wilson being in it? More dumb. The rest was okay, but I didn't really tone in well to everything but the disease plot. So, C